Would you like to place an ad in »BuB«?

A brief introduction
What is BuB?
»BuB – Forum Bibliothek und Information« is the trade journal which has the widest distribution in German-speaking countries among library and information professionals. Together with our authors we present commentaries, discussion papers, interviews, reports, and news items focussing on topics related to pubic and academic libraries and also educational and cultural policy. Our authors work in libraries in Germany and abroad, in governmental agencies, in educational and cultural institutions, while others are teachers and lecturers in institutions of higher education or employed as journalists.
What makes BuB special?
The answer is clear: we take a broad view of current issues even beyond the library and information profession. BuB covers interdisciplinary topics relevant to both the public and academic library world, what is happening in the library associations, and decisions being taken in education and culture. Authors from other fields share their ideas and thus provide food for thought. And BuB is international. Along with authors from German libraries, articles are submitted from Austria and Switzerland, from France, Great Britain, the United States, and many other countries. The editorial board of BuB is independent and free of any commercial influence.
Take advantage of our versatility
Ten issues of BuB appear in print each year. Most recently (3rd quarter 2023) the distribution amounted to 6,096 copies of an issue. Each issue also appears in the BuB app. The online edition is identical to the print issue. In addition, the app’s issues contain additional information such as direct links to job announcements or the appropriate point of contact. Since December 2021 BuB has implemented a new, up-to-date website that offers further features and an attractive modern design. Here we provide daily updates about everything happening in the world of libraries. Over 100,000 clicks per month are proof that the website has been well-received. Your job announcements will be placed on the homepage to get maximal attention.
Why is advertising in BuB a sound investment?
BuB is a trade journal and at the same time the communication vehicle within the professional library association »Berufsverband Information Bibliothek« (BIB). Over 5,500 members receive the print issue by post and also have access to the BuB app. In addition, there are approximately 1,200 additional subscribers. In many libraries the journal is circulated throughout the library staff. From the director to the intern, from the university lecturer to the student, as well as around the world, such as in many branches of the Goethe Institut. Thus, each issue reaches its target groups directly and without waste.
About us
Berufsverband Information Bibliothek e.V. (BIB)
Gartenstraße 18, 72764 Reutlingen
Postfach 13 24, 72703 Reutlingen
Tel.: +49 7121 / 34 91-0
Verlagsbüro ID GmbH & Co. KG
Jathostraße 10 a
30916 Isernhagen
Tel.: +49 511 / 616595-0
Fax: +49 511/ 616595-55
Media consulting
Ines Walter (Ltg.) +49 511 / 616595-25
Jacqueline Spiegel +49 511 / 616595-30
Irmgard Ditgens +49 511 / 616595-0
Zeitschrift BuB – Forum Bibliothek und Information
Gartenstraße 18, 72764 Reutlingen
Postfach 13 24, 72703 Reutlingen
Tel.: +49 7121 / 34 91-14
You can find our Terms and Conditions at www.b-u-b.de/engl/agb or we will be happy to send you a copy via email.
76 (2024)
10 monthly issues per year
6.150 copies
6.096 copies
5.881 paid subscriptions (>95%)
Public and academic libraries, special libraries, library consultancies, library association members, church libraries
Federal Republic of Germany, German-speaking countries, overseas libraries
Advertising formats
BuB magazine (print and app)

Back Cover 102 x 280 mm

Specifications for deliverables:
We request submission of high-resolution PDF-X3 files, using the CMYK colour model. Please embed your text and ensure image resolution of at least 300 dpi for colour and grey-tone pictures. Please deliver all files with 3 mm trim edges.
Cover flap | 2.260 EUR |
Inside cover (U2); Inside back cover (U3); Back cover (U4) | 2.100 EUR |
1/1 page | 1.940 EUR |
2/3 page | 1.480 EUR |
1/2 page | 1.250 EUR |
1/3 page | 960 EUR |
1/4 page | 900 EUR |
55 × 80 mm | 270 EUR |
Up to 3 links | at a surcharge of 10% (max. 130 EUR) |
Current price list is as of 1 January 2023, excluding VAT. Terms and conditions for placing advertisements or advertising supplements can be found at www.b-u-b.de/agb. We will be happy to send you a copy via email.
BuB Website

- 728 x 90 px
- Rotating presentation at three spots on the homepage and additional integration within editorial articles.
- 300 x 600 px
- Runs along the right-hand side of the screen on all pages. One leaderboard banner is always included in contract.
- Text: 2.000 to 6.000 characters (incl. spaces)
- Photos: Up to three pictures
- Header: 1920 x 1080 pixels
- Embedding: 4 weeks on the homepage and at least 6 months on a subpage